
Trika Meditation Retreat

Master your mind now!

trika meditation

Although meditation is widely known as a potent practice, it is not merely “neural self-hacking” or stopping thoughts.

The Trika Meditation Retreat, as compiled by Somananda, is a comprehensive system for those who seek structured and measurable mental self-development that leads all the way to self-realization.

In this retreat experience two powerful spiritual paths of yoga are combined into one supportive system of development – the tantric path of meditation, or Tantra Yoga, and the path of the third eye, Raja Yoga.

These powerful teachings make it possible to access the vast potential of the mind, its subtle structure, and its unlimited power to take you all the way to the heights of mental and spiritual accomplishment.


6 to 12 days with partial or full silence (mauna)


For beginners and experienced practitioners alike

What you will gain and practice

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Retreat rules of conduct

The meditation retreat is held in complete silence or mauna.

Exceptions include, of course, the days of arrival and departure. Silence also here encompasses interpersonal communications such as gestures, silently mouthing words, writing notes, etc. Notes will be allowed only for daily Q&A and administrative emergencies. The retreat leader will announce the beginning and end of mauna.

Non-residential Trika Retreats may not require full mauna. Please see the details for every particular retreat.

No electronic devices of any kind may be used during residential retreats.

This includes tablets, phones, laptops, mp3 players, etc. Exceptions may be made upon personal request and such exceptions need to be requested personally from the retreat leader and approved before mauna begins.

Although there may be a temptation to keep your phone with you for emergencies, we will provide you with an emergency contact for your family or business which may be called if anyone needs to reach you, thereby allowing you to relax fully into the retreat experience knowing that retreat administration will alert you if necessary to any issue needing your urgent attention.

We ask you to keep full celibacy during the retreat.

Couples joining a residential retreat together will be placed in separate rooms for a more internalized and deeper retreat experience. During non-residential retreats, we ask you to not engage in any sexual activity during the retreat period.

Please do not resort to any distractions for the mind during the retreat.

This includes – in addition to the use of electronic devices – books, magazines, and the like. To support your retreat experience, we will offer to collect any of these belongings for safe keeping and return them to you at the end of the retreat. Best, however, would be to leave them at home if possible.

Let this be an opportunity to completely unplug yourself and turn your focus inward.

Please hide any device that tells the time, including watches.

In a residential retreat you will be woken up by a gong and every new session of the day will be signalled by the gong. The gong will be struck repeatedly to ensure that everyone has heard it.

Complete ban on toxic substances of any kind.

No smoking, consumption of alcohol, or use of recreational drugs is allowed during the retreat.


The meditation retreat is held in complete silence or mauna.

Exceptions include, of course, the days of arrival and departure. Silence also here encompasses interpersonal communications such as gestures, silently mouthing words, writing notes, etc. Notes will be allowed only for daily Q&A and administrative emergencies. The retreat leader will announce the beginning and end of mauna.

Non-residential Trika Retreats may not require full mauna. Please see the details for every particular retreat.

No electronic devices of any kind may be used during residential retreats.

This includes tablets, phones, laptops, mp3 players, etc. Exceptions may be made upon personal request and such exceptions need to be requested personally from the retreat leader and approved before mauna begins.

Although there may be a temptation to keep your phone with you for emergencies, we will provide you with an emergency contact for your family or business which may be called if anyone needs to reach you, thereby allowing you to relax fully into the retreat experience knowing that retreat administration will alert you if necessary to any issue needing your urgent attention.

We ask you to keep full celibacy during the retreat.

Couples joining a residential retreat together will be placed in separate rooms for a more internalized and deeper retreat experience. During non-residential retreats, we ask you to not engage in any sexual activity during the retreat period.

Please do not resort to any distractions for the mind during the retreat.

This includes – in addition to the use of electronic devices – books, magazines, and the like. To support your retreat experience, we will offer to collect any of these belongings for safe keeping and return them to you at the end of the retreat. Best, however, would be to leave them at home if possible.

Let this be an opportunity to completely unplug yourself and turn your focus inward.

Please hide any device that tells the time, including watches.

In a residential retreat you will be woken up by a gong and every new session of the day will be signalled by the gong. The gong will be struck repeatedly to ensure that everyone has heard it.

Complete ban on toxic substances of any kind.

No smoking, consumption of alcohol, or use of recreational drugs is allowed during the retreat.

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