
Jana Braniselj

Teacher of Tantra Yoga, Meditation and Tantra Massage

Imprisoned. This is how Jana would describe her life before she discovered authentic tantric teachings. Ironically, she was living a life most would call “successful”. A life she had personally crafted and created filled with all the customary things conventional human beings aspire for – a lucrative career, two beautiful daughters, a loving husband, a nice home in middle-class suburbia, two cars and allocated family vacations twice a year. From the outside it appeared she was living the perfect life, but on the inside was a void and emptiness.

At a pivotal turning point Jana got fed up with the ongoing discontentment and restlessness and went on a pursuit to uncover what was the root of her unfulfillment. She found Somananda Tantra School and participated in the Tantra Massage Therapist Training. Her life changed forever.

This was MUCH more than a massage course. Jana discovered that the intense dissatisfaction and yearnings she was experiencing all those years were actually very common and had deep meaning according to the yogic and tantric systems. She found answers to life’s most fundamental questions, as well as a yogic path that could be followed to fulfill her soul’s desires and attain joy in her life.

Inspired by the transformational power of the yogic and tantric wisdom, Jana made a decision to leave her corporate job, become a serious yogini and dedicate her life fully to spread these rare teachings with international audiences around the world. She is humbly grateful to be a part of such a distinguished and esteemed spiritual institution as Somananda Tantra School.