
Kadri Siimon

Teacher of Tantra Yoga, Meditation and Tantra Massage

In her early years Kadri led what she would describe as a racy and provocative lifestyle. She chalked it up to typical rebellious behavior that many people engage in in their college years and early 20’s. Life was good and she was embracing the fun and excitement of being independent. But still, she was often left feeling empty and unfulfilled.

Deep down inside Kadri yearned for answers and more meaning in her life. She longed to confront her unhealthy relationship with her mind, emotions, body and sexuality once and for all, but didn’t know where to begin. And so her quest began.

In 2016 she was divinely guided to attend the Tantra Massage Therapist Training through Somananda Tantra School. This course was a catalyst for transforming her life, starting on the tantric and yogic path of becoming a yogini, and beginning the lifelong pursuit of embracing and loving all aspects of herself as a woman. For the first time in her life she felt like she had arrived home and discovered a spiritual map for realizing her true self, her true nature, once again.

Kadri holds these teachings sacred and dear to her heart. Students from around the world find her life story and journey to be both relatable and endearing. She finds great passion in guiding spiritual aspirants back to their hearts and towards a powerful and authentic path of evolution and self-development.