The below is written by Regine from Belgium, who recently completed the Tantra Massage Therapist Training with us. These are her own words and reflections on the experience she had during and after the course. We are sharing this with her permission.
Some time ago I finished my Tantra Massage Therapist Training in Edinburgh, Scotland with Somananda Tantra School. I have been taking my time to integrate the teachings and experiences and only now do I feel composed and grounded enough to sit and share my experience.
This training has meant so much to me! It has transformed me on so many levels and in so many ways, I felt it my duty to share what I learned and gained in hopes that it may inspire other women to take that leap of faith and experience authentic Tantra Massage themselves.
I was particularly touched by the fact that the training was SO much more than just a massage course. It goes far beyond just technical training on how to execute the proper massage strokes and techniques. These teachings are deep and profound. They touched my soul.
It was enormously enriching and fascinating to get acquainted with the true and authentic tantric philosophy, Yoga, and meditations.
I thoroughly enjoyed all of the lectures which was surprising for me. Normally, I am very critical of other teachers because I myself am and have been a teacher for several years now. But Liisa Maimon, the head teacher in this course, delivered the lectures with such passion and devotion, I was captivated! I hung on her every word and never lost interest.
I came to the training with some esoteric and spiritual background and education. I was familiar with the chakra teachings, the yin/yang principles and the concept of polarity. In hindsight, however, I would say my knowledge on these things was superficial and more intellectual. The Tantra Massage Therapist Training deepened my knowledge and it became existential and experiential. I can now feel energy and chakras in my body and recognize them in others too!
At times, I was certainly challenged and at odds with the information that was presented. I considered myself a bit of a spiritual adept prior to the training. My ego felt vulnerable and threatened on occasion, when the teachings that were shared conflicted with what I had learned previously.
This quickly dissipated though and I was able to move through my doubts with ease and grace and accept this new perspective as truth. I didn’t blindly accept them as truth either. Liisa explained that Tantra is not a dogma. It is self-study and self-science first and foremost. The Tantric tradition merely shares the ancient knowledge of the past – knowledge that was proven by the spiritual masters – but ultimately it is up to the student to practice the teachings and techniques and discover that truth for themselves.
This was a great relief. And to be honest, the tantric teachings are so logical and so well-founded, it was easy to let go of my past beliefs. Plus, by the end of the 11-day training I was actually able to feel in my own mind, body and spirit the truth that these teachings and techniques resonated with. It truly felt like the language of God and primordial wisdom that I was accessing.
There was much more that I learned that amazed me enormously such as Karma Yoga and the act of consecration, the power of tantric music meditations, and transfiguration.
The transfiguration lecture and ritual that we did at the end will forever stay with me and be imprinted in my heart and mind. Wow! May every woman on the planet have the great blessing of being transfigured by the Shiva’s presence and consciousness!
I must admit, it has been quite strange to not receive Tantra Massage for a while now since the course ended. I became so accustomed to giving and receiving every day, and to be frank, my soul just craves it.
I was able to experience multiple beautiful and spiritual experiences during the massage practices. Sometimes it was more small and subtle, but other times it was like a tsunami wave that overtook my whole being and purified me on deep levels. Everything that was not my true self, not my true nature, was unearthed by Tantra Massage.
There were blockages that were released and relieved that I didn’t even know existed. It is a testament really to the innate and built-in intelligence of energy and the Somananda Tantra School’s method of Tantra Massage. I could feel it was coming straight from God himself. As though God touched me through the art and practice of Tantra Massage!
I am happy to share that I have begun to integrate the Tantra Massage principles into my regular massage practice and clients are really blown away. The energetic element elevates the most basic massage to a holy and sacred level. Even the most ordinary clients can feel a difference.
The way I relate to my husband has changed for the better since this training. This was a surprising and unexpected after-effect. It seems the Tantra Massage practice has softened me a lot. I was able to let go of unresolved feelings and reconnect to my feminine beauty and essence.
Our communication is more harmonious, beautiful and loving. We can talk to each other openly and freely without fear or judgement. We are also rediscovering each other in the love-making process. It is as though we are making love for the first time.
My transformation from this course has also caused my husband to consider the tantric path. Before I attended the training, he was very closed to exploring this path with me. But now, after seeing how these teachings have made such a positive impact, he has suggested that we take a course together. What a gift! It is not clear if he will pursue it fervently like me, but the very fact that I can discuss this topic with him openly makes me happy and grateful.
“It was as though God touched me himself through the practice of Tantra Massage!”
After this training there is truly no way back for me. I cannot forget what I have learned and experienced in this course. It blew me wide open and I can never go back to a state of ignorance.
I can still feel the blissful energy flowing throughout my entire being and a profound inner peace remains emotionally, mentally and spiritually.
FINALLY, after 52 years, Tantra Massage has brought me home. It is a true homecoming. I know who I am. I know what my true purpose is. I know why I am here.
The words “thank you” do not encapsulate all of the gratitude and appreciation I feel for Somananda Tantra School, for the teachers, and for these teachings. You have touched me, moved me, carried me and amazed me. I will never be the same, and for that, I am beyond thankful.
For all the women out there thinking or considering joining the Tantra Massage Therapist Training, do not hesitate!
You will learn energy massage, but perhaps more importantly, you will discover your true self hidden beneath layers of blockages, old beliefs, impurities of the mind and self-imposed limitations.
By the end of these 11 days, you will undergo a unique feminine blossoming and emerge a new woman with an unimaginable sense of freedom and knowing. Say yes to yourself! Say yes to your liberation!
Woman, Business Owner and Tantra Massage Therapist
Regine, living in Belgium, is a spiritual seeker, a student of Somananda Tantra School and a Tantra Massage therapist running her own spa together with her partner.
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