
Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course

Become the ambassador of authentic Yoga

yoga teacher training

This in-depth program is both extensive and intensive, preparing an individual to become a spiritual guide and to teach Hatha Yoga, a tantric form of Yoga, in its most classical and powerful form.

From the standpoint of personal growth, participants will develop greatly enhanced self-awareness and encounter their own extraordinary spiritual awakening.

You will move beyond the very ordinary approach to teaching Yoga – likened to an “art of stretching” found everywhere nowadays – and discover what it means to bring a system of transformation and spiritual evolution to others, while deepening your own personal practice until it becomes your life. Read more


This is a 260-hour taught over 5 weeks


Meant for the spiritually hungry

In our Tantra Yoga TTC you can expect to:

  • Learn to teach a comprehensive system of 20 powerful Hatha Yoga techniques for physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing
  • Give important lectures about the essential principles of Yoga
  • Obtain the highest form of spiritual and practical wisdom in meditative and energy-based Yoga
  • Benefit from an empowerment initiation given by a genuine yogic master

The original and ancient doctrines of Yoga are rigorously upheld in this program and presented in their most unadulterated and purest form.

Students will obtain the highest form of spiritual wisdom in the realm of Yoga, as the ancient masters intended, as well as benefit from an empowerment initiation given by Somananda.

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Curriculum of study

Our unique Tantra Yoga Teacher Training Course is divided into three essential parts, each one representing a fundamental aspect of a skilled and qualified Yoga teacher.

All parts will be taught simultaneously, however, the first weeks will be dedicated predominantly to part 1 and 2. Part 3 and practicum training sessions will be focused on in week four and five.

In practicum training sessions all participants will give lectures and lead practical Hatha Yoga sessions for their peers and supervising teachers, to be followed by feedback and comments on their performance and areas for improvement.

The Tantra Yoga TTC will be concluded with final exam, graduation ceremony and empowerment meditation.

The Tantra Yoga TTC includes, among others, the teachings of our Tantra Yoga Level 1. Upon completion of the Tantra Yoga TTC you are also eligible to proceed to our Tantra Yoga Level 2 if you so choose.

What you can teach

After graduating from this Tantra Yoga TTC, you will be certified to teach a holistic 27-class meditative Hatha Yoga program in the format of one- to two-hour classes, as well as Hatha Yoga retreats or workshops of up to five days in duration. Prototypical schedules will be provided for you during the YTTC.

Your toolkit as a teacher

  • Twenty (20) powerful Hatha Yoga techniques with the ability to give a lectures on each
  • Five (5) longer lectures on the foundations of Yoga
  • Two (2) meditation techniques and the ability to teach them to your students
  • A professional teaching certificate issues by Somananda Tantra School

By becoming a teacher of Yoga you will obtain centuries-old secrets in achieving the ultimate balance of ha and tha, the goal of Hatha Yoga – unification with the Absolute.

Dates and tickets

This course is not scheduled at the moment. Join our newsletter and be the first to know when it will be offered again.

Hear it from our students


For whom is this YTTC?

Our Yoga TTC is open to all individuals with a sincere interest to learn a genuine form of Yoga, become a teacher of spirituality in the highest sense, and transform personally in all aspects of their being. It is designed for everyone from the novice to advanced practitioner, with no previous experience required.

Do I need previous Yoga experience to join this course?

No, there is no prerequisite to join our YTTC. Our unique curriculum caters to all levels of students and, in fact, will help you progress spiritually and cultivate a balanced approach to life.

What courses will I be certified to teach upon completion of the YTTC?

After graduating from this Yoga TTC, you will be licensed to teach a holistic 27-class meditative Hatha Yoga program in the format of one- to two-hour classes, as well as Hatha Yoga retreats or workshops of up to five days in duration. Prototypical schedules will be provided for you during the YTTC.

Do I need to be physically flexible to become a Yoga teacher?

No. Traditional Yoga is not defined by physical factors such as flexibility, strength, or endurance. If genuine aspiration to become a teacher of spirituality is present, then physical flexibility is inconsequential.

Will I be required to teach among my peers?

Yes. In weeks 4 and 5 training practicums will be an essential part of this course, aiding in the assimilation of the knowledge and techniques you have learned as well as the development of your teaching persona.

You will be leading Hatha Yoga classes and deliver lectures of varying lengths for your peers and trusted teachers. We find this practical portion of the program a vital component in molding and preparing you as a teacher.

What happens if I do not pass the exam?

If you do not pass the YTTC midterm exam, you will have the opportunity to retake it once in a few days time. If you do not pass it the second time, you will need to leave the YTTC and join it again the next time the course is offered (paying a 50% discounted course fee again).

If you do not pass the final exam of the YTTC you may retake the exam at a later date, dependent upon the availability of our head teachers. Until the successful completions of the exams the certificate will not be issued.

What should I bring with me to this course?

There are indeed some items you need to bring with you. A list will be sent to all participants some weeks prior to the beginning of the program. There are recommendations to the clothing and other items you will need during the course.

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